Installation Instructions: 1. Be sure that any previous versions of GlassMaker have been removed using the Add/Remove Programs control panel. 2. Close any applications that are running. 3. Double-Click the "Setup" icon and follow the instructions. If files are out of date, the installation may require the computer to be restarted. If this is the case, repeat from step 1. 4. A welcome dialog appears, if all applications are closed, click OK. 5. To begin installation, select a directory and click the large button with the SETUP icon. The default directory is in Program Files. 6. When prompted to select the program group use the default GlassMaker program group. 7. When GlassMaker installation is complete, click the OK button to continue. *Note: It is not necessary to copy the manual to the hard drive, it is included in the setup package. It is made available to provide access to the manual without having to install the entire package. HASP Installation Instuctions: 1. Connect a valid GlassMaker HASP to a USB port. 2. Windows should detect the new hardware and attempt to locate drivers for it. If Windows does not detect the new hardware and GlassMaker functions in DEMO mode, use the the Add/Remove Hardware control panel to setup the hardware. 3. Use the link on the Download page to download the most recent driver from Thales. 4. Once the HASP drivers are installed, GlassMaker will recognize the HASP and be fully functional. Support Folder Permissions In order to agree to the terms and conditions, GlassMaker requires the ability to write to the Support folder. 1. Navigate to folder containing the GlassMaker application. Typically, this is Program Files>GlassMaker. 2. Select the Support folder and right-click to show the context menu. Select the Properties option. 3. Use the settings on the Security tab to enable writing for the Support folder. 4. Launch GlassMaker, when the agreement is displayed, read it thoroughly and choose the Agree option. 5. If GlassMaker does not continue, check the permissions were changed properly. Determining Appropriate COMPORT 1. If using a USB adapter, ensure that the adapter is plugged in and the drivers are installed as outlined by the instructions that came with the adapter. 2. Open the Settings for Windows and search for Device Manager. 3. Find COMPORTS in the list of devices. If it doesn't appear in the list, it is likely because the adapter is not plugged in or the driver is not installed. 4. Note the number for the COMPORT. You will select this port in GlassMaker to communicate with the machine. Controlling a Machine: 1. Be sure that the machine is plugged in and the power is ON. 2. Be sure that the air is supplied to the air system. 3. Be sure that the machine is connected to a functionl serial port on the computer. 4. Be sure the correct serial port is selected from the Edit>Preferences>Communications dialog. 5. Press the Initialize button or select "Initialize Lathe" from the Program menu. 6. If there are no devices already configured, GlassMaker will attempt to detect the devices connected. If there are devices already configured, go to step 11. 7. Answer any questions asked by GlassMaker and review any information about the devices. 8. Use the Motor configuration to configure all motors for their proper use. 9. Use the Burner, Swing Arm, Lathe and Mains configurations to configure outputs for different devices. 10. Use the Analog Configuration to configure any analog devices. 11. Use the Immediate Control to test configturations or prepare devices. 12. Use the Local and Remote menus to create commands that control the machine.